Relevant information is always at the heart of effective decision making. Geo-Stat offers accurate, accessible up-to-date equalities data allowing you to make informed decisions when considering how your actions might impact diverse individuals and communities.
Geo-Stat is our location specific diversity data profiling service. We pull together diversity related information from a range of open data sources across geographical areas specified by you – covering everything from a parish to a nation - to provide proportionate and fit for purpose diversity data profiles, at a local level.
With a focus on the 9 protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act, we help identify the data you require, use our research team to gather the information, and present it in the way which is most useful to you. Our specialist diversity consultants ensure that data is relevant and offer analysis to help put the data into context. We support Boards, Project Managers, HR professionals and other stakeholders to use this 'bespoke' data to ensure informed decision making, inclusive project management and due regard in providing accessible and inclusive service provision.
Geo-Stat services include:
Geo-Stat is used by clients in relation to:
For more information, please get in touch.
Peter Williamson, Accessibility Strategy & Projects Manager, West Midlands Trains Ltd