Well-being and Inclusive Practice Support

Group in conversation

Inclusive practice, across a range of characteristics including, race, disability and gender, is critical to successful organisations to ensure their teams, visitors and clients can bring their authentic selves to work. Our focus on well-being alongside inclusive practice supports you to create a working environment in which your organisation can thrive.

What we offer

Service Purpose Deliverable
Unconscious Bias Resource and Organisational Development Tool Using a cultural intelligence perspective GCL Consultants deliver a bespoke programme to meaningfully address Unconscious/Implicit Bias within your organisation using solution focussed principles and highlighting existing good practice. Comprising of an e-learning primer followed up by in person/digital sessions delivered either with or by GCL or relevant teams in your organisation (LD, DE&I or HR) this programme has been developed for large and medium organisations who have identified performance, progression or talent pipeline issues in areas such as gender, race and disability.
Physical Space Neurodiversity and Well-being Review Assessment of space guided by best practice in including neuro-diverse users and best practice principles to enable well-being through spaces and environment. Ensures issues and bright spots can be highlighted. Report detailing challenges and opportunities and benchmarking against best practice guidance including ECU Guidance, BS8300 2018 and emerging best practice from Arts Council and Business.
Inclusivity Access Review for digital and hard copy communications used internally and externally To ensure internal and external communications are inclusive for all internal and external audiences ensuring everyone's, including neurodiverse and other SEND, access requirements are met. Using an audit tool devised by GCL Consultants focussing on 4 areas of SEND, an overview of good practice and development need is provided along with recommendations and strategy support to underpin inclusive digital and hard copy collateral, as well as public speaking, training and other events, that are inclusive across diverse audiences whether from a pan-disability or language perspective.
Mental Health and Well-being Strategy Development Working with stakeholders throughout the organisation to identify bright spots for well-being as well as challenges, to enable a proactive strategy to promote psychological safety and an empowered workforce, community and other stakeholders. Data driven evaluation including identifying gaps in well-being data for your community (whether employees, students and other relevant stakeholders). Discussions with key stakeholders and benchmarking against sector leading organisations. Qualitative and quantitative data with strategy guidance and operational delivery plan.
User Research Panel for Website Accessibility / Inclusion in Accessibility Statement A lighter touch alternative to a full Accessibility Review where GCL facilitates users with access needs to give a user focussed appraisal incorporating screen magnifiers, screen readers, speech recognition tools and other Assistive Technology. A website appraisal report primarily featuring feedback by users with access needs. This can also contribute to your accessibility statement, which often requires input by disabled users particularly if you are a public sector provider, whilst demonstrating commitment to accessibility for all website and app users.
Staff Affinity Network Development, Mentoring and Delivery Supporting HR, DE&I and other stakeholders to scope, develop and deliver employee affinity groups such as Disability and LGBTI+ networks. Data driven evaluation including identifying gaps in important data. Development of networks including ToR and Strategy. Identifying and mentoring Chair and founding members. Leads to improved engagement, development of policy, practice and procedure and enables people to come to work as their 'authentic' selves.
DE&I Training Competent trainer on all aspects of DE&I using interactive delivery, knowledge of best practice and an awareness of implementation as a manager, strategic lead and Equality Champion. This training is usually rated excellent and delivers on the necessary domains.
Training on many of the above aspects including Well-being and Neurodiversity Competent trainer on both well-being and neurodiversity using interactive delivery, knowledge of best practice and an awareness of implementation as a manager and strategic leader. This training is usually rated excellent and delivers on the necessary domains.
Campus and Community Inclusion Review Assessment of university or college community inclusion. Helps to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and enables retention and progression at higher levels. Evaluation report, strategic and operational deliverables outlined with reference to other successful initiatives in relevant sectors or mission groups.

What our clients say

"...Spending the day with the GCL Consultants, understanding the neurodiverse spectrum and hearing a lived experience of autism was integral to broadening our knowledge of cognitive requirements..."

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